Commented on The Arrows On The Clock Are Pointing At Me:
   "Daniel, I am truly honored by your comments on my work. Particularly since I am currently dancing around your poetry. What amazing tangible imagery your collection has, with sincere supporting emotion. I truly enjoyed, Single Mom At The Supermarket and Tulip."
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8 years ago

Commented on A Touch of Noir:
   "Being ill, writing two series of my own, and working on a book right now have me swamped. However, I still make time to read my fellow authors on Channillo. I’m a little behind; Even so, reading A touch of Noir is like watching a Classic Noir film featuring ghostly, hard drinking, dubious characters with cheek and sexual drive. Angel Davis (Author of Thrive! Write Into The Pain & Raven Mocker: The Cherokee Night Goer)"
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8 years ago